Community Economic Development Association of Pollock Pines
Testimonials from the Community
"CEDAPP has been an excellent partner to our schools in Pollock Pines. As I transitioned into the position as Principal at Pinewood Elementary, CEDAPP was the first community group to reach out and offer support. This wonderful organization has helped sponsor a number of events at our local schools over the years, including the well-loved Trunk or Treat. Thank you CEDAPP!"
Heather Minton, Principal Pinewood Elementary School
"I am so impressed with CEDAPP. They have been the center of our community needs. They have helped businesses and abundant community events. Personally, I don’t want to drive to Placerville for parades and tree lightings. I want to experience it in my hometown and CEDAPP makes it happen. They even worked with Wagon Train to stop in Pollock so we could interact with riders or horses. I am most grateful for their efforts to establish a park that the community will benefit from. There has never been a stronger organization in our town and I am grateful see that exists and executes with a clear vision."
Eric Schlavin, teacher at Sierra Ridge Middle School
"Please use this email as my view point on the planned community park and playground. I have expressed this same view point at a recent Board of Supervisors meeting. My wife and I reside on Romer Blvd. Our property backs up to the park. As with many of our neighbors, we are fully in support of the park development plans.
Probably first and foremost is the all inclusive playground. The playground would be a godsend for children.The overall park would be great enhancement to the community as well. The park ambiance will create a great community gathering place for families and other events. A real asset for Pollock Pines and surrounding communities. My wife and I fully endorse the plan!"
Mike Conroy, resident at Forebay Playground site
"The single thing that I appreciated the most about CEDAPP is that if I had an idea I could simply present my idea and 100% I felt supported in that my idea would receive the attention I felt it deserved. Every time I planned a project it was always a success due to the support of CEDAPP. The attitude was always "we are here, how can we help". As a business owner we appreciated the attention and support we received from CEDAPP in growing our business . . .
CEDAPP truly is a model organization to build communities."
Cathy Staller, former CEDAPP Board member and
ShipShape USA owner
"Being a citizen but not a business owner in Pollock Pines I have appreciated the fact that CEDAPP allows for individual membership and participation. I enjoy National Night Out, the Hands Across Pollock clean-up days and seeing the decorated Trees for Teens. I commend CEDAPP for its remarkable tenacity in getting our welcome sign as well as a park in the making. Their business directory has been very helpful to me over the years."
Cher Williams, educator in
Pollock Pines
"CEDAPP has done so much for the Pollock Pines Community. They find much needed projects and they go at them with an unwavering tenacity until they get them completed. . . .
We might not have a traditional "Chamber of Commerce" in our community but who needs one when we have CEDAPP!"
Lauralee Green, Z-Group
Real Estate owner
"If I had to use one word to describe CEDAPP it would be perseverance. Constantly pushing forward to so many goals. The firehouse remodel fundraisers, the park, the first all inclusive playground. Then, by supporting so many businesses in Pollock Pines to be successful.
The Stars come out over so many years has honored people, organizations and businesses that have gone over and above for the community. These are just a few."
Pat Schoggins, Former President, Friends of the Library
"What is very striking is that the Pollock Pines community, with CEDAPP‘s leader ship and forward thinking action, has always accomplished what they set out to do. If any roadblocks occur, they figure out how to detour to the community‘s benefit…that’s pretty amazing and generous."
Renee Hargrove, Business Owner